Monday, April 23, 2012

Run Away Bride

News from the Yard Sale Circuit

Run Away Bride

            Everybody that knows me is acquainted with my love for yard sales.  I had been informed that a very special friend of mine was selling some old tools, etc., that I look for.  I thought that I remembered where she lived, but I was traveling slowly checking the names of the streets.  I was in her vicinity I knew, but I wasn’t prepared for what I ran up on.  As I topped a hill I saw a woman by the side of the road waving her hands and having a fit.  As I got a little closer, I saw that she was “hitch hiking”.  She wasn’t particular which way she was going, but was trying to stop cars going both ways.  I thought now, this woman is desperate.  I’ve been advised all of my life, never pick up a strange woman by the side of the road.  What a story this could be, I thought.  I don’t even care if she’s got a pistol a foot long, I’m gonna give this ‘un a ride.

            As I got closer, the picture got even stranger, I had a flash, thinking I had been killed in a wreck.  It happened so quickly that there was no one in heaven to greet me, but one single woman in a white wedding dress.  I had hoped for a few kin, if nothing more ---- “A White Wedding Dress”?  I hadn’t died, I had lost my mind.

            This changed my assessment of the whole situation.  I thought now, one of two things, she was getting married, and in the middle of the ceremony, “Shazam” the groom dropped dead, and she was trying to get some help, or she really, really didn’t want to get married and ran.  Either way, she needed help and I was going to try to lend my aid.

            My eye sight leaving something to be desired, as I got closer, I recognized the lady that I was looking for.  She was waving a sign advertising her sale.

            My, my, how we allow our eyes to send the wrong information to our brains.  A lot of the time what we think we see is nothing close to the truth.

            Needless to say, I could have gone back home right then knowing this lady had truly made my day.

            This is just the half of the story, later on, we’ll talk about the other half.
