Wednesday, March 21, 2012

News From The Yard Sale Circuit

News from the Yard Sale Circuit
 I ran across Big L, (a home-spun philosopher that I’m acquainted with) at a yard sale the other day.  We were discussing the unusual weather we have been having lately.  He told me that one night at his house, the wind blew so violently that it blew one of his prize roosters into a gallon jug.  He said that when they finally got him out, the rooster was so disoriented by the ordeal that he couldn’t walk straight for two days.

I asked him if lying is still a sin or if it had been legalized by Congress sneaked in by them, to placate the morals of the day.  He told me I was years behind, that they had legalized lying back about 1962.  Said it had been legal for the government for years and years, that they had just finally let us in on it.

You can get an education on the yard sale circuit that’s not possible anywhere else. 

Timely Tidbits

Every expert I hear on television lately assessing the state of the economy, comes up with the same story.  They all can “see the light at the end of the tunnel”.  Using the misguided tea leaves that I do, I can’t even find the tunnel.

Calvin Foster